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Human Resources

Art and Science of Competency Models: Pinpointing Critical Success Factors in Organizations

Lucia, Anntoinette D., and Richard Lepsinger. (Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 1999)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549.5 .R3 L82 1999

The what, why, and how of competency models -- How competency models can enhance HRM systems -- Competency models : laying the groundwork -- Developing a competency model from scratch -- Finalizing and validating competency models -- Integrating competency models into HRM systems -- Communicating purpose and gaining commitment : selling the idea to others in your organization.

Beyond HR: The New Science of Human Capital

Boudreau, John W.; Ramstad, Peter M.. (Harvard Business School Press, c2007)
HD 53 .B646 2007

Beyond the Learning Organization: Creating a Culture of Continuous Growth and Development through State-of-the-art Human Resource Practices

Gilley, Jerry W. and Ann Maycunich. (Perseus, 2000)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549 .G512 2000

Competency-based Human Resource Management

Dubois, David D., William J. Rothwell, Deborah Jo King Stern, and Linda K. Kemp. (Davies-Black Pub., c2004)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549 .C7115 2004

Finding a new focus -- Why a focus on jobs is not enough -- An overview of competency-based HR management practices -- Understanding competency-based HR management -- A need for implementing competency-based HR management -- Competency-based HR planning -- Competency-based employee recruitment and selection -- Competency-based employee training -- Competency-based performance management -- Competency-based employee rewards -- Competency-based employee development -- Transitioning to competency-based HR management -- The transformation to competency-based HR management -- Competency-based HR management: the next steps.

The Employee Recruitment and Retention Handbook

Arthur, Diane. (AMACOM, c2001)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549.5 .R44 A748 2001

The Handbook of Coaching: A Comprehensive resource guide for Managers, Executives, Consultants, and Human Resource Professionals

Hudson, Frederic M.. (Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1999)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549.5 .C8 H83 1999

Handbook of Diversity Management: Beyond Awareness to Competency Based Learning

Plummer, Deborah L.. (University Press of America, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549.5 M5 H36 2003

Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice

Armstrong, Michael. (Kogan Page, 1999)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549 .A8977 1999

Handbook of Organizational Performance: Behavior Analysis and Management

Johnson, C. Merle William K. Redmon, and Thomas C. Mawhinney, eds.. (Haworth Press, c2001)
McNichols Campus Library
HD 58.7 .H364 2000

High-impact HR: Transforming Human Resources for Competitive Advantage

Weiss, David S.. (John Wiley & Sons Canada, 1999)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549 .W43595 1999

The HR Answer Book: An Indispensable Guide for Managers and Human Resources Professionals

Smith, Shawn and Rebecca Mazin.. (AMACOM, c2004)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549.17 .S62 2004

Human Resource Development: The New Trainer's Guide

Scannell, Edward E.. (Perseus Pub., 2000)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549.5 .T7 S23 2000

The Human Resource Development Handbook

Hargreaves, Pat. (Kogan Page, 2000)
McNichols Campus Library
HB 172 .N48 2000

Human Resource Development: Learning & Training for Individuals & Organizations

Wilson, John P.. (Kogan Page Limited, 1999)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549 .H7837 1999

Human Resources in the 21st Century

Effron, Marc, Robert Gandossy, and Marshall Goldsmith.. (J. Wiley & Sons, c2003)
McNichols Campus Library
HD 31 .H81247 2003

The Indispensable Staff Manager: A Guide to Accountable, Effective Staff Leadership

Walsh, John F. (Praeger, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549 .W335 2003

Making Stories: A Practical Guide for Organizational Leaders and Human Resource Specialists

Gargiulo, Terrence L.. (Quorum Books, 2002)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549 .G3174 2002

No Best Way: An Evolutionary Perspective on Human Resource Management

Colarelli, Stephen M.. (Praeger, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549 .C5615 2003

Shaping Your HR Role: Succeeding in Today's Organizations

Kahnweiler, William M., and Jennifer B. Kahnweiler. (Elsevier, 2005)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549 .K233 2005

Staff Recruitment, Retention, & Training Strategies for Community Human Services Organizations

Larson, Sheryl A. and Amy S. Hewitt. (Paul H. Brookes Pub. Co., c2005)
McNichols Campus Library
HV 40.54 .L37 2005

Strategic Human Resource Management

Mello, Jeffrey A.. (South-Western College Pub., 2002)
Dental School Library
HD 58.9 .M45 2002

Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action

Armstrong, Michael. (Kogan Page, 2000)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549 .A8997 2000

Strategic Human Resource Management: Corporate Rhetoric and Human Reality

Gratton, Lynda ... [et al.].. (Oxford University, 1999)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 5549 .S884 1999

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