Speaker or author: Remond, Charles Lenox, 1810-1873
Newspaper or publication: Printed Copy -- Rhode Island Historical Society -- Newspaper Clipping File
The speaker came forward after the audience's call for Father Henson went unanswered. He said he hoped a defiant attitude toward ending the oppression of slavery would be the end result at the end of this convention.
Description of file(s): PDF 1 page, 251 word document (text and image)

Speaker or author: Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884
Newspaper or publication: Printed Copy -- Rhode Island Historical Society -- Newspaper Clipping File
The speaker encouraged a defiant attitude of the convention attendees to the continuation of slavery. He denounced the recent Dred Scott decision, and called for the state of Massachusetts to take action towards total emancipation in the U.S. (Includes MP3 audio file.)
Description of file(s): PDF 1 page, 206 word document (text and image)