Title: Colored American - March 3, 1838
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)
The writer gave a critique of a recent speech by Thomas S. Sidney on the subject of civil rights.
Description of file(s): one scanned, one columned, newspaper page
Title: Colored American - October 16, 1841
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Colored Amerian (1837 - 1842)
The editor responds to a letter accusing the attendees at a recent convention of changing their views and convictions.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Colored American - October 19, 1839
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)
The writer gives commentary on the condition of public education for African American youth. He compares what is offered in New York with the educational opportunities in Ohio. He includes an overview of the Education Convention of the Colored People of Ohio held in Columbus, Ohio.
Description of file(s): two scanned, two columned, newspaper pages
Title: Colored American - October 24, 1840
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)
The writer shares with his readers a brief eulogy for four men of note who recently died.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Colored American - September 8, 1838
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)
The editor responds to remarks made about him, the newspaper, and the cause of freedom in general by Thomas S. Sidney.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page

Speaker or author: Sidney, Thomas S.
Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)
Speech given to welcome the safe return to the U.S. of James McCune Smith after earning his degree at the university in Glasgow, Scotland, with emphasis placed on the importance of education.
Description of file(s): PDF 2 page, 386 word document (text and images)