Speaker or author: Francis, Abner H.
Newspaper or publication: North Star
Speech delivered to celebrate the anniversary of the emancipation of the British West Indies. The speaker recounted the history of slavery, the successes of those who had overcome slavery in the past, and the potential of those abolitionists who he believes will abolish slavery forever after.
Description of file(s): PDF 17 page, 4,145 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Remond, Charles Lenox, 1810-1873
Newspaper or publication: National Anti-Slavery Standard
Brief speech in response to a resolution calling for abolitionists to reject the United States Constitution. In his remarks, Mr. Remond mentioned the U. S. President's message regarding the Amistad's captives.
Description of file(s): PDF 1 page, 130 word document (text and image)

Speaker or author: Remond, Charles Lenox, 1810-1873
Newspaper or publication: Legion of Liberty and Force of Truth
Speech given in Dublin regarding the irony of slavery in a country (America) which stresses freedom and equality above all else. Emphasis is placed on the hopeless and helpless condition of every slave living in the U.S.
Description of file(s): PDF 2 page, 454 word document (text and images)
Title: Colored American - May 23, 1840
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)
The editor gives a brief update on the events surrounding the Amistad trial.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Colored American - November 2, 1839
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)
The writer comments on the way the trial of the Amistad prisoners is being reported by the press. He urges a fair and non-biased reporting of events.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Colored American - September 28, 1839
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)
Preliminary proceedings to decide jurisdiction of one part of the Amistad case involving the capture and bondage of three children.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Frederick Douglass' Paper - February 9, 1855
Speaker or author: Watkins, William J.
Newspaper or publication: Frederick Douglass' Paper (1851 - 18??)
The writer describes the current status of the negotiations with Spain as the U.S. attempts to obtain Cuba. The issue of slavery is playing a major role in this.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Frederick Douglass' Paper - June 23, 1854
Speaker or author: Watkins, William J.
Newspaper or publication: Frederick Douglass' Paper (1851 - 18??)
The writer discusses the current crisis in the push to purchase Cuba from Spain. He believes the country is on the verge of war with Spain over this effort.
Description of file(s): two scanned newspaper pages (three columns)
Title: Frederick Douglass' Paper - May 26, 1854
Speaker or author: Watkins, William J.
Newspaper or publication: Frederick Douglass' Paper (1851 - 18??)
The writer discusses the present Presidential Administration's desire to annex Cuba and parts of Mexico. He believes if this territory is annexed that slavery will increase to help develop it. He also fears a war with Spain may ensue over this.
Description of file(s): three scanned, two columned, newspaper pages

Speaker or author: Garnet, Henry Highland, 1815-1882.
Newspaper or publication: Presscopy -- Yale University -- Anti-Slavery Pamphlets
Speech detailing the history of the Negro race from its great African kings and queens of the past, to its victims of slavery. Included is a look forward to the successes that will come with its future generations.
Description of file(s): PDF 26 page, 7,813 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Pennington, James W. C.
Newspaper or publication: Presscopy -- Congregational Library -- Anti-Slavery Pamphlets
Speech regarding the injustices of slavery and prejudice emphasizing the extreme cruelity that can result from fear and hatred in mass populations. The speaker noted that while slavery intended to make "beasts of burden" of human bodies, the reality of slavery demonstrated that the institution was instead a battle to chain human minds.
Description of file(s): PDF 29 page, 12,568 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Pennington, James W. C.
Newspaper or publication: Kelso Chronicle
Speech regarding the injustices of the Fugitive Slave Law. The speaker read a warrant for the return of one fugitive slave that offered a reward of $125 for his safe return or $150 for the return of his "head."
Description of file(s): PDF 8 page, 2,526 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Smith, James McCune, 1813-1865
Newspaper or publication: Presscopy -- Congregational Library -- Boston, Massachusetts -- Anti-Slavery Pamphlets
A lecture on the history of the Haytian Revolutions with a "character sketch" of Toussaint L'Ouverture given to benefit the Colored Orphan Asylum. The lecture outlines the class structure in Hayti and the timeline leading up to the revolutions from 1791 through 1803. (Speeches 06086, 06136, 06196, 06220, 06242, 06269, and 06309 are duplicates of this speech.)
Description of file(s): PDF 26 page, 9,292 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Holly, James Theodore
Newspaper or publication: Presscopy -- New York Public Library -- Schomburg Collection
Speech detailing the history of the Haitian revolution given in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the Negro race, and disprove ideas regarding the inequality of races in terms of intelligence and ability.
Description of file(s): PDF 44 page, 14,391 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Brown, Paola
Newspaper or publication: Presscopy -- Toronto Public Library -- Toronto, Canada
Lengthy sermon describing the history of slavery, its continued cruelties, and the influence of the Church in keeping the system in place in the U.S. The speaker emphasized the relationship between Egyptian slaves and those in the U.S., as well as the response of various European countries to the institution of slavery. Included is a denouncement of the Fugitive Slave Bill.
Description of file(s): PDF 73 page, 23,292 word document (text and images)
Speaker or author: S.
Newspaper or publication: Provincial Freeman (1853 - 1859)
The writer shares an article published in another newspaper regarding the ongoing debate over annexation of parts of Mexico by the U.S.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page

Speaker or author: Ward, Samuel Ringgold, b. 1817
Newspaper or publication: Frederick Douglass' Paper
Speech delivered to second a motion put forward during the meeting that slavery "...is a sin and a crime before God." The speaker praised England for the having the courage to abolition slavery and encouraging other European countries to do the same.
Description of file(s): PDF 9 page, 2,095 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Street, Thomas H.
Newspaper or publication: Pacific Appeal
Speech delivered during a celebration of the first anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. The speaker traced the history of slavery from its ancient beginning to the progress made since emancipation. He stressed that it takes both the white and black races of American people working together to make the country great. He encouraged all African Americans to continue to improve themselves to meet the social challenges that lay ahead.
Description of file(s): PDF 12 page, 2,711 word document (text and images)
Title: Voice of the Fugitive - December 16, 1852
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Voice of the Fugitive (1851 - 1852)
The writer discusses the current debate over the acquisition of Cuba from Spain.
Description of file(s): three scanned newspaper pages (five columns)
Title: Voice of the Fugitive - June 17, 1852
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Voice of the Fugitive (1851 - 1852)
The writer provides brief commentary on the new Emperor of Hayti.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Weekly Anglo-African - April 27, 1861
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Weekly Anglo-African (1859 - 1862)
Although illegal, greed and corruption within government agencies has kept alive the African Slave Trade. The writer expects the Lincoln Administration to put an end to this once and for all.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Weekly Anglo-African - April 27, 1861
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Weekly Anglo-African (1859 - 1862)
Although efforts to be recognized as an independent country have been made and acknowledged by other countries, the United States still does not recognize Haytian independence.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Weekly Anglo-African - November 23, 1861
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Weekly Anglo-African (1859 - 1862)
The writer considers two suggestions for dealing with the slaves once they are free men and women.
Description of file(s): three scanned newspaper pages (five columns)
Title: Weekly Anglo-African - October 26, 1861
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Weekly Anglo-African (1859 - 1862)
The writer discusses caste and prejudice in the U.S. and Hayti. Prejudice in Hayti is mostly based in caste, with those of African descent fighting against mulattoes. In the U.S. prejudice is based in race and nationality and often leveled at the Irish and German immigrants equally with African Americans.
Description of file(s): two scanned newspaper pages (three columns)

Speaker or author: Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884
Newspaper or publication: Pine and Palm
The speaker gave a brief history of Hayti, including its agriculture, products, culture, and current condition. This speech is continued in speech 24338spe.pdf.
Description of file(s): PDF 2 page, 321 word document (text and images)