Title: Elevator - August 25, 1865
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Elevator (1865 - 18??)
The writer gives detailed commentary on a recent political convention.
Description of file(s): three scanned newspaper pages (five columns)
Title: Elevator - October 20, 1865
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Elevator (1865 - 18??)
The writer discusses Dr. I. Rowell's decision to switch political party affiliation.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Elevator - September 8, 1865
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Elevator (1865 - 18??)
The writer offers commentary on a recent political election. He believes the Union Party is defeated and can no longer continue in its political efforts.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Pacific Appeal - May 23, 1863
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Pacific Appeal (1862 - 188?)
The writer comments on a recent election. His also shares the contents of a placard that was posted around town attempting to encourage public outrage regarding the governor's plan to bring recently freed slaves to California to build roads.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page

Speaker or author: Hall, W. H. (William Henry), fl. 1863-1864
Newspaper or publication: Presscopy -- Harvard University, Cambridge -- Rare Books and Manuscripts
Although California had entered the Union as a free state, the speaker joined those in the state government in questioning what social and political changes would take place nationally now that the Emancipation Proclamation had been delivered and the war was at an end.
Description of file(s): PDF 11 page, 2,632 word document (text and images)