Speaker or author: Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898
Newspaper or publication: Anti-Slavery Reporter
Speech given during the annual meeting of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society attended mostly by members of the Society of Friends. The speaker describes the progress and successes of the abolition movement throughout the world.
Description of file(s): PDF 11 page, 4,506 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Douglass, H. Ford
Newspaper or publication: Liberator
Speech expressing the speakers reasons for wanting to continue celebrating August 1st even though opposition had been expressed to this. The speaker said that even though the emancipation of the British West Indies (August 1, 1834) was under the direction of a foreign government, the day was worth celebrating by all those who value freedom. He emphasized the historical efforts and legacies of countries of men who fought, sacrificed and died for freedom.
Description of file(s): PDF 15 page, 4,371 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Garnet, Henry Highland, 1815-1882
Newspaper or publication: Anti-Slavery Reporter
Speech before a British audience condemning slavery in the U.S. The speaker pointed out the irony of the American stance on freedom when it continued to enslave millions of people. He also praised the work of British abolitionists.
Description of file(s): PDF 4 page, 1,445 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Pennington, James W. C.
Newspaper or publication: Presscopy -- Connecticut Historical Society -- Pamphlets
The speaker approached the subject of emancipation on the anniversary of the abolition of slavery in the British West Indies. He traced the history of emancipation from the 1700's, and emphasized through example the clever ways some slave holders continued the system without calling it slavery.
Description of file(s): PDF 16 page, 4,467 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Ward, Samuel Ringgold, b. 1817
Newspaper or publication: Pennsylvania Freeman
Detailed account of the history of the Negro race including historical and current accomplishments. The speaker quoted sources who trace humanity itself to origins in Africa, and he stresses the ability of African Americans to accomplish more than they are given credit for.
Description of file(s): PDF 16 page, 3,903 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Watkins, William J.
Newspaper or publication: Frederick Douglass' Paper
Lengthy speech given during the anniversary celebration of the emancipation of the British West Indies. The speaker emphasized the irony of a country founded on freedom that realized its power and wealth through the institution of slavery. He hoped that Great Britain's actions would inspire America to follow and emancipate its slaves. He noted various influencial men who were working to realize this goal.
Description of file(s): PDF 42 page, 10,575 word document (text and images)
Speaker or author: Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884
Newspaper or publication: Liberator
Speech given on the return of the speaker to the U.S. from England where he had been living as a fugitive from slavery. The speaker commended Great Britain for abolishing the slave trade and hoped that this action would inspire the U.S. to follow the same path.
Description of file(s): PDF 4 page, 1,124 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884
Newspaper or publication: Liberator
Speech regarding the history of the abolition of slavery in the British West Indies. The speaker stressed the irony of the continuation of slavery in the U.S., a country founded on freedom.
Description of file(s): PDF 9 page, 2,387 word document (text and images)