Speaker or author: Smith, James McCune, 1813-1865
Newspaper or publication: Presscopy -- Congregational Library -- Boston, Massachusetts -- Anti-Slavery Pamphlets
A lecture on the history of the Haytian Revolutions with a "character sketch" of Toussaint L'Ouverture given to benefit the Colored Orphan Asylum. The lecture outlines the class structure in Hayti and the timeline leading up to the revolutions from 1791 through 1803. (Speeches 06086, 06136, 06196, 06220, 06242, 06269, and 06309 are duplicates of this speech.)
Description of file(s): PDF 26 page, 9,292 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Smith, James McCune, 1813-1865
Newspaper or publication: Presscopy -- Boston Public Library -- Anti-Slavery Pamphlets
Speech given on the basic idea that slavery is irrational, immoral, and in opposition to the core beliefs of the founding fathers. Emphasis is placed on the destiny and potential future of the Negro race in the U.S.
Description of file(s): PDF 17 page, 6,176 word document (text and images)