Speaker or author: Remond, Charles Lenox, 1810-1873
Newspaper or publication: Liberator
Impromptu speech given in response to a remark made by a government official comparing granting freedom to the slaves with allowing wild animals to roam free.
Description of file(s): PDF 3 page, 920 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Pennington, James W. C.
Newspaper or publication: Emancipator
Speech comparing the doctrines of Christianity with the doctrines of war. War used as a metaphor for the continued fight against slavery.
Description of file(s): PDF 3 page, 489 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Wilson, John G.
Newspaper or publication: Pacific Appeal
Patriotic speech regarding the bravery and heroism of black Union soldiers. The speaker noted that while he realized the Emancipation Proclamation was of military necessity, he praised Abraham Lincoln for seeing the right action in it. He felt as if it was well earned by the blood and courage of those who had fought and died for freedom.
Description of file(s): PDF 11 page, 2,339 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Langston, John Mercer, 1829-1897.
Newspaper or publication: Jefferson City, [MO] Democrat
Overview of speech delivered before the House of Representatives. The speaker spoke for the suffrage and civil rights of the newly freed slaves. He emphasized that they were newly acquired citizens of the U.S. and deserved all the rights that went along with that status.
Description of file(s): PDF 5 page, 1,117 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Purvis, Robert, 1810-1898
Newspaper or publication: Liberator
Speech denouncing governmental bias towards prejudical action in the U.S., the colonization of Africa, and the overall injustices that continue to be suffred by African Americans. The speaker emphasized the Dred Scott decision and the establishment of the Fugitive Slave Law.
Description of file(s): PDF 14 page, 3,959 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Ward, Samuel Ringgold, b. 1817
Newspaper or publication: Pennsylvania Freeman
Detailed account of the history of the Negro race including historical and current accomplishments. The speaker quoted sources who trace humanity itself to origins in Africa, and he stresses the ability of African Americans to accomplish more than they are given credit for.
Description of file(s): PDF 16 page, 3,903 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Watkins, William J.
Newspaper or publication: Presscopy -- Harvard University -- Widener Library -- Anti-Slavery Pamphlets
Speech given before a legislative committee to request the formation of an independent militia of black citizens. The speaker gave a detailed account of his request and logical reasoning for granting it.
Description of file(s): PDF 21 page, 8,061 word document (text and images)