Speaker or author: Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
The speaker expressed opposition to the recently passed Fugitive Slave law and emphasized that slavery was a "...disposition on the part of the strong and selfish to use and employ the weak and miserable part of creation as their own instruments...." The speaker felt that the only remedy for this situation was to improve and elevate the condition of the race. He believed that a type of colonization of Africa based in missionary work was the answer, although he expressed that this was not related to a scheme to remove the race from the U.S. as some believed.
Description of file(s): PDF 3 page, 936 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Garnet, Henry Highland, 1815-1882
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
Speech regarding the damage slaveholding in the U.S. had done not only to humanity, but to the U.S. and everything it stood for. The speaker emphasized that worst among the negative impact slavery has succeeded in having on the U.S. in this respect are the efforts of the American Colonization Society.
Description of file(s): PDF 7 page, 2,038 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Garnet, Henry Highland, 1815-1882
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
Brief speech outlining the conditions under which the slaves in the U.S. were living. The speaker emphasized the roles the Church and the continued purchasing of slave-produced products in England were playing in continuing the institution of slavery in the U.S.
Description of file(s): PDF 1 page, 282 word document (text and image)

Speaker or author: Garnet, Henry Highland, 1815-1882
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
Speech denouncing the Fugitive Slave Law, emphasizing its inhumanity and injustice.
Description of file(s): PDF 3 page, 901 word document

Speaker or author: Martin, J. Sella (John Sella), b. 1832
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
Speech delivered before an English audience regarding the effects of the Civil War on the English economy. The speaker emphasized that slavery was "perpetual war, and was more cruel and immoral than any." He apologized to the British people for the disruption in cotton importation from the U.S. due to the fighting.
Description of file(s): PDF 3 page, 651 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Delany, Martin Robison, 1812-1885
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
The speaker expressed his idea that the colonization of Liberia had failed because the promoters of the initiative lacked organization and planning. The focus was on the number of people that could be gathered to immigrate without any thought to what they would do once they got to Liberia. He advised asking the immigrants to pay their own way, and making the project a purely secular one.
Description of file(s): PDF 1 page, 206 word document (text and image)

Speaker or author: Roper, Moses
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
Anecdotal speech delivered before the congregation at Reverend T. Price's Chapel in England on the cruelties suffered by slaves in America. The speaker stressed the progress of the anti-slavery society. (Speech 01285 is a duplicate of this speech.)
Description of file(s): PDF 1 page, 209 word document (text and image)

Speaker or author: Roper, Moses
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
Anecdotal speech delivered at Reverend T. Price's Chapel in England on the cruelities suffered by slaves in America. He addresses the issues of education, the assistance provided by the Quakers, and the "good" vs. "bad" treatment slaves receive from slaveholders.
Description of file(s): PDF 2 page, 571 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Paul, Nathaniel, 1792 or 3-1839
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
Debate over the pros and cons of the goals of the American Colonization Society.
Description of file(s): PDF 7 page, 2,113 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Ward, Samuel Ringgold, b. 1817
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
Speech describing the injustices of slavery in the U.S. that the speaker said were instigated by the clergy. He offered a couple of examples of how the Church was silently advocating and blatantly practicing racial prejudice during their services.
Description of file(s): PDF 3 page, 804 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Ward, Samuel Ringgold, b. 1817
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
Speech given as an appeal to the British people for help in supporting fugitive slaves who were escaping from the U.S. The speaker noted that land in England was being set aside to provide for this effort. (Speech 14262 is a duplicate of this speech.)
Description of file(s): PDF 4 page, 1,007 word document (text and images)

Speaker or author: Craft, William
Newspaper or publication: Patriot
Overview of speech regarding the speaker's views of what was influencing the continued fighting in the Civil War. He also presented details to his audience about his efforts to get the King of Dahomey (in Africa) to abandon the slave trade.
Description of file(s): PDF 1 page, 297 word document (text and image)