Title: Impartial Citizen - April 11, 1849
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer discusses the idea of prejudice based on skin color. He compares distinctions of caste made in other countries with the injustice in this country based on race. He notes that in some churches they are told "you'll be white in Heaven." But if being white on earth is comparable to being white in Heaven, he wants no part of it. He urges his readers to be true to themselves and live virtuous lives.
Description of file(s): two scanned newspaper pages (three columns)
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer comments on the praise given to Henry Clay by Reverend Peabody. The writer disagrees with Reverend Peabody's assertion that Mr. Clay has done "more than all the anti-slavery men of the north united," and instead points to all that Mr. Clay has done to help slavery continue.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Impartial Citizen - August 15, 1849
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer comments on an issue of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Reporter newspaper he recently received.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Impartial Citizen - August 15, 1849
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer comments on a blurb published in another newspaper offering the sale of two women and a man, who are mentioned as "likely Negroes."
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer comments on the current Presidential Administration's foreign and domestic policies.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer comments on the government policy of not granting "letters of protection" to African Americans who are traveling in foreign countries.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
Brief note asking what can be done regarding the Temperance cause in Cortland County. The writer suggests that every church offer a sermon on the subject.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Impartial Citizen - August 8, 1849
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer described the events during a day of celebration in Auburn, New York.
Description of file(s): two scanned, two columned, newspaper pages
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer alerts his readers to a new African American newspaper in Philadelphia.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Impartial Citizen - December 5, 1849
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer expresses the effects of prejudice from religion to education. Prejudice is taught to children through fearful stories that pass down from generation to generation. He adds that in spite of this, the African American people are making more progress towards social elevation than any other oppressed people in history.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Impartial Citizen - February 13, 1850
Speaker or author: Ward, Samuel Ringgold, b. 1817
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The editor describes the struggles and challenges of starting and maintaining the newspaper. He asks his subscribers who owe money to pay now.
Description of file(s): two scanned newspaper pages (three columns)
Speaker or author: Ward, Samuel Ringgold, b. 1817
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The editor asks for donations to allow the newspaper to continue publication. He promises to devote newspaper space to issues concerning "Temperance, Anti-Slavery, Land Reform, Homestead Exemption, and Peace."
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Impartial Citizen - February 28, 1849
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer responds to those who believe that John P. Hale is an aboitionist by publishing an excerpt from a recent speech he made on the subject of slavery.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Impartial Citizen - February 28, 1849
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer responds to Henry Highland Garnet's request to indicate the differences in their ideas regarding African American life and Colonization.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Impartial Citizen - February 28, 1849
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer offers a rebuttal to a recent sermon he heard with the theme that America's greatest sin is "despising the poor." He offers other actions in this country that are worse including the taking of Native American land and the enslaving of Africans.
Description of file(s): three scanned newspaper pages (five columns)
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer alerts his readers to a new Temperance newspaper called the Ballot Box. He notes that the editors of this newspaper had had him expelled from the Sons of Temperance Order because he was an African American.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Impartial Citizen - January 23, 1850
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
Brief overview of a sermon regarding moral reform.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Impartial Citizen - January 23, 1850
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer expresses his views on the idea of revival meetings. He notes one recent meeting at Apulia, New York.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Impartial Citizen - January 23, 1850
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer briefly comments on Jane Gray Swisshelm and her newspaper, "The Pittsburgh Saturday Visiter."
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Impartial Citizen - January 23, 1850
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer disagrees with the idea of a "Temporal Millennium" or a "Second Advent," and he uses Biblical references to prove his point of view.
Description of file(s): three scanned newspaper pages (five columns)
Title: Impartial Citizen - January 30, 1850
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer notes that winter is the time for the religious practice of conversion of sinners. He hopes that this season offers an opportunity to convert those who are filled with the sin of racial hatred.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Impartial Citizen - July 11, 1849
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer gives a brief overview of a recent state convention.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Title: Impartial Citizen - June 12, 1850
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
While on a lecture tour of Philadelphia, the writer reports the degradation and immorality he finds there.
Description of file(s): two scanned, two columned, newspaper pages
Title: Impartial Citizen - June 12, 1850
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer explains to his readers a law currently before the Senate saying that if a free born African American is accused of being an escaped slave, he must prove his freeborn status in the state of his accuser, not the state of his birth.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Title: Impartial Citizen - June 12, 1850
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Impartial Citizen (1849 - 1851)
The writer offers a brief eulogy after the recent death of Stephen H. Gloucester.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page