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University of Detroit Chorus Collection
Rehearsal - 1961
Halloween at Doughty's 1965
Trip to Delphos - 1966
Chorus Camp - 1966
Montreal Expo - 1967
Montreal Expo - 1967
Spring Tour - May, 1975
Chorus - 1968
Chorus Camp - 1970
Boysville - 1970

From 1946 to 1953 there existed a student singing organization called the University of Detroit Choral Society (also known as the Choral Club). It was directed by George McLeod. Then at the beginning of the academic year of 1953, the University hired Don Large, Choral Director at WJR radio. The name of the singing organization was changed to the University of Detroit (U-D) Chorus and it remained under the direction of Don Large until 1975.

This archive is dedicated to preserving the legacy of the U-D Chorus and Choral Society/Club, through the display of digitized materials from the U-D Chorus Slide Collection by Don Large and from the University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) Library Archives.

This collection is divided into the following categories:

Year:  Structured by academic year, each year presents all of the photos, documents and recordings within this collection.  Note: the Archives photos are black and white and were produced by the U-D Public Information Office; W. T. Rabe, Director.  

Event:  This category was created from the Don Large Slide Collection of over 3,000 slides.   The identification of Chorus members in the photos comes from notes by Don Large and from Chorus members; Frank Gesinski, John Craven, Rich Duzzie and Bob Vorbroker.

Recordings: Don Large had recorded various rehearsals and concerts.   Also, the Archives has a CD of the U-D Madrigal Singers.

Directors:  To be published. 

Chorus Member Name Browse:   Only those U-D Chorus members who have been identified on photos/slides are present there.

Group Browse:  For various concerts, Don Large would create small groups of singers.   They are presented here.

Many thanks to the children of Don Large (Dr. Kenneth Large and Linda Ebright) for authorizing the publication of their father’s U-D Chorus slide collection.  Andrea Bates-Baier, Bob Schmitz, and Elaine Tokarski are also thanked for their efforts with developing a community of former Chorus members.

— Gerald S. Gruska, member of the U of D Chorus (1959-1963)

Please contact the library reference desk at [email protected]  or 313-993-1071 for assistance with this collection.

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